
Thursday 4 June 2015

4.06.15 SN Speedwrite: The bright and also weird stars

The bright and also weird stars

2 sentences
Are you wondering about all of those things on or about the yellow bright stars. If you are stay tuned and read the rest of my information report.

6 sentences
The appearance of a star is complicated. A star is a yellow goldish colour. Stars including the Sun have spots on there surface because that is there cooler sides. There are varieties of colours stars can be, like Purple,Red, and Silver. Did you know the Sun is a middle sized star. This is all about the Appearance of a star.

Life Cycle of a Star
6 sentences
The life cycle of a star is more complicated and important. Well, first gravity helps stars to form itself but then gravity tries to crush the stars. For a star to be born it needs a clump of dust and gas to combine, also it is called nebula. The energy produced helps blow much of the disc gas away, leaving the new star to shine brightly. Some  stars shine unevenly, and are known to be a variable star. This is all about the Life Cycle of star just for you.

Types of Stars
6 sentences
There are lots of confusing facts and lots of types of stars so I’m going to help you. People may think that shooting stars are stars that move across the sky, but it really is just a meteor blasting fast across the sky. There are also lots of different kinds of stars one of them is a super red giant star. All together there are 36 different species of stars. The biggest star discovered by astronomers is the VY Canis Majoris. This is all about different types of stars.

2 Sentences
I hope this has inspired you to write your own information report about this topic or any. If you think stars is a really fascinating topic I guarantee this website is for you

My Information Report Success Criteria:
My heading/title:

  • is an interesting title (I might have phrased the title as a question.)

My opening paragraph/introduction:

  • says what my report is about in a clear way

  • gives a general “classification” – and maybe a technical classification

  • outlines the main features of the subject

My main paragraphs/body paragraphs:

  • have clear topic sentences  (topic and main point)

  • are organised so that each paragraph is about a different aspect of the subject

  • give detailed information (factual descriptions)

  • include specific, technical vocabulary

  • are generally balanced (have a similar amount of detail about the different aspects I write about)

  • may have helpful: tables, pictures and/or diagrams to add information   ( optional)

My end paragraph/conclusion:

  • draws the report together/sums up my main points

  • may give a personal opinion; ask the reader a question and/or tell the reader where further information may be found

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Saunoa,
    Well done on completing your speedwrite within the 40 minutes.

    Your next learning steps:
    1) Proofread your work for punctuation errors. I can see two places that need a question mark.
    2) Read your writing aloud to make sure that it makes sense.


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